Awakening: Human Rights Education
Erasmus+ Training Course
May 13-22, 2023
“The effects of human rights education can be dramatic in awakening people to the value and power of their own lives….”
-Daisaku Ikeda, Japanese philosopher, activist, author and educator
"Awakening: Human Rights Education" was an 8-day training course focused on introducing and developing skills in human rights education (HRE).
Twenty-four youth workers, youth leaders and educators explored this topic, as well as useful tools to be a facilitator and disseminator of HRE in their communities and beyond.
increase the knowledge and skills of youth workers in the HRE field
train participants in the use of non-formal HRE tools
develop future HRE projects and activities
increase the international dimension of HRE and youth work
encourage empathy, inclusion and non-discrimination
establish the importance of HRE in youth work
But what is "human rights education?" The Council of Europe (COE) defines HRE as:
“education, training, awareness raising, information, practices and activities which aim, by equipping learners with knowledge, skills and understanding and developing their attitudes and behavior, to empower learners to contribute to the building and defense of a universal culture of human rights....”
In essence, human rights can only be achieved through the informed and continued demand by people for their protection. HRE, therefore, develops an understanding of everyone’s common responsibility to make human rights a reality in each community. Informing people of their rights early will make human rights more effective for everyone.
Participants discussed and debated a variety of human rights issues and questions, including:
Are human rights inherently political?
Basic human needs
Pros and cons of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Obstacles to creating a society characterized by fairness and justice
Understanding systems thinking
Brainstorming the 4th Generation of human rights
Breaking down modern human rights issues (climate change, AI, poverty, etc.), their causes and solutions
Exchange of impactful tools for promoting human rights issues
Case studies
And much, much more
Our training course used non-formal education methods and experiential learning to train youth workers in human rights education. According to the UN, HRE could be defined as any learning, education, training, or information efforts aimed at building a universal culture of human rights. HRE encompasses:
learning about human rights and human rights mechanisms
developing values and reinforcing attitudes and behavior which uphold human rights
acquiring skills to apply human rights in a practical way in daily life and taking action to defend and promote human rights
In this project, participants learned about these basic principles and how to incorporate them into their youth work through a variety of non-formal activities. To achieve this, we planned activities that:
required the active involvement of participants
were adapted to the demonstrated needs of participants, partner organizations, and youths
were hands-on with opportunities for reflection, following David Kolb’s experiential learning cycle
incorporated participants’ own skills, experiences, and knowledge
incorporated open-ended learning so that multiple and complex answers to problems were not only possible but expected
These established HRE methodologies were combined with the pedagogical basis of COE's “Compass” manual:
holistic learning
open-ended learning
values clarification
cooperative learning
experiential learning
learner centeredness
All activities progressively built on each other so that by the end, participants had a grasp of human rights education and how they could apply it to their own youth work.
To ensure the project's impact was far reaching, ONDE, the project partners and the participants implemented diverse dissemination activities both online and locally. Some of these include:
local workshop in Lecce for 22 youth workers, highlighting human rights education and a sample activity from the project
30-minute podcast hosted by the participants, highlighting Erasmus+ and the "Awakening" training course
workshop for students in a Greek school led by one of the participants
5 digital stories/awareness campaigns addressing diverse human rights issues; they were created and filmed by participants during the project
a project video
digital booklet highlighting the project, activities, participants' dissemination, sample activities, tools and resources, and the Erasmus+ Programme
Watch project participants discuss their experience in the project and the value of the Erasmus+ Programme.
This is one of five digital stories promoting human rights issues created by participants during their time in Lecce. In this video, participants from Germany, Greece and Netherlands, raise awareness about poverty and disability. Watch the rest of the stories on our YouTube channel.
Officina Nuova Dimensione Europea (ONDE) APS - Italy
Migrants & Minorities Network - Germany
DreamTeam AMKE - Greece
ILA - Netherlands
Inspira! - Portugal
To learn more about this training course, sample activities and follow-up results, please download the official booklet below.
Project Number:
Disclaimer: This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union with support from Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù. This content reflects the views only of ONDE APS, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
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